Yosemite extreme panoramic imaging project

Halfdome at Yosemite I'm taking part in the Yosemite Extreme Panoramic Imaging Project this weekend. Along with over 70 photographers and digital imaging experts we will spread out over the Yosemite Valley and will each capture gigapixel (1000 megabyte) images that will be compiled into one of the highest resolution images ever made.

PMA in Vegas

I'll be at PMA again this year and am looking forward to seeing many of you there. Feel free to email me at scott[at]on-sight.com or call me (if you know my number) if you would like to get together.

new website

I'll be at PMA again this year and am looking forward to seeing many of you there. Feel free to email me at scott[at]on-sight.com or call me (if you know my number) if you would like to get together. Ahhhh, a fresh, new website. I have lots of ideas for future content and this format should allow greater flexibility for adding it. This site merges my previously separate fine art photography and consulting websites. My original fine art photography website at hotx.com/scott has finally been shut down. It was online since 1994 and was listed in Shutterbug magazine in 1995 as one of the first 10…