Calumet Photo of the Week

I'm thrilled to have Calumet choose my "Texas Love Bus" image for their photo of the week. Texas Love Bus is a 2 hour and 8 minute exposure made from 2 to 4am in West Texas. It was a moonless night so the bus was "painted" entirely by flashlight for several minutes. A pack of coyotes howled and played in the foreground during the exposure as I sat and listened in my car a few feet away. They didn't show up in the final image because they weren't illuminated on this pitch black night. I was grateful they didn't bump the tripod as it would have messed up the long star trails I was going for in…

Holiday Print Sale

2009 has been a year of photographic opportunities and creative invigoration. I've had the privilege of teaching a weeklong workshop every month in a variety of exciting locations. Most of all, I've made a series of exciting new night images, and just in time for the gift-giving season. I'd like to celebrate by offering a special Holiday Print Sale of 18 images taken this year. These pigment prints are on fiber-based paper and priced at $200 each (plus shipping). They are unframed, unmated and have a 12x18 image area printed on a 17x22 sheet of Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl paper. Below is a…

Extract Monaco LAB app now available

Eric Chan has generously responded to a need in the color community by bringing his "Convert to MonacoLAB" application to the Mac OS. Convert to MonacoLAB allows color geeks to measure Bill Atkinson 1728 or 4096 RGB printer profiling targets in either MeasureTool or ColorPort and convert the measurements into the LAB format that MonacoPROFILER requires. Unlike the previously popular "Extract Monaco LAB" applescript, "Convert to MonacoLAB" is Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6.x) compatible. The Windows version is compatible with XP and Vista; it should also be compatible with Windows 7, though it has…

Twitter Experiment

I just started Twittering little snippets of information that although fun, aren't quite blog-worthy. Twitter seems like it could be a fun way to to get "little bits" out there. If you'd like to follow me you can do so at:

New Photography Workshops and Webpage

I am excited to announce a schedule of photography workshops for 2009 on the new workshops page. Workshops include 4-5 day shooting workshops in Big Bend, Texas and Mono Lake, California and 1-3 day classroom workshops in an upscale setting (with exceptional food!) in downtown San Antonio. Other workshops are being planned around the country and overseas. Please note the addition of the new "workshops" button at the top of the site - this is a permanent place that can be used to browse and sign up for future workshops.


Another thanks to Michael Mehl for reviewing my Night and Day exhibit on the FOTOSEPTIEMBRE USA website. It contains a number of images that illustrate the size of the work and the installation

Dan Goddard review

A big thanks to Dan Goddard for his thoughtful review of my Night and Day exhibition at Bismarck Studios.

back from the mono lake night workshop

The Mono Lake workshop co-taught with Lance Keimig was a great success. We had a great group of 14 photographers who were all open to the spirit of sharing, discussion and encouragement. We shot in Mono Lake, Olmstead Point, Bodie Ghost town, Bridgeport and the Travertine Hot Springs often reaching 3 or 4 am until our camera's batteries ran out. In the mornings we held lengthy review and critique sessions with some really good coffee thanks to the local Lee Vining coffeshop Latte Da. Lightroom RAW image development was a major focus during classroom time when Lance wasn't inspiring us with…

"night and day" exhibition announcement

Bismarck Studios is hosting a solo exhibition of my recent work during the month of September in San Antonio, Texas. I've always been fascinated with work that shows a different interpretation than what the human eye sees at the same time. This new body of work deals studies the natural landscape in abstract form. Created over the past year, this exhibition includes images made both during the day and throughout the night. Along with 15+ minute exposures, night photographs evokes a solitary, eerie and seldom seen landscape. This exhibit exclusively features 5 by 7 foot prints.