Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wynn Martin

I just found out about the passing of Wynn Martin about 30 minutes ago. Although I hadn't seen Wynn in over a decade I was stunned and saddened by the news of his death. Like everyone else who knew him for either long or short time I was left touched by his energy, eccentricity, and his sense of humor... boy, what a sense of humor!
I first met Wynn in 1992 when I was an impressionable college sophomore and he had already graduated. Like most fun college stories, the one I have to share revolves around drinking.
Wynn, my best friend Alan, and I had been drinking our favorite concoction of Everclear and Grape Bloudini Kool-Aid and had reached quite a state of nirvana. We decided we were hungry and decided to go to IHOP. We were drunk, but we were still good Rice boys, so we walked instead of driving, of course.
We were sauntering down Morningside when suddenly we saw these lights flashing behind us. Uh-oh. The Cops. The Fuzz. The Boys in Blue. We were busted for sure. I saw my future evaporating before my eyes as potential employer saw "Public Intoxication" on my background checks.
Luckily it was HPD and not one of the tightly-wound boys from the West U Police Department. He pulled up beside us and asked us where we were going. Wynn was the one who spoke to the policeman and remarkably, despite Wynn's goofy grin remarkably the cop seemed to like us and offered us a ride to IHOP!
The three of us piled into the back of his cruiser, although I had a slightly paranoid fear that maybe he was going to take us to the drunk tank and this was his way of tackling three guys at once, granted we were manly-Rice-men. On the way he started hitting us up for advice for how to get his son into Rice. The only time we were almost busted is when we pulled up to IHOP and I tried to open the door and mumbled, "There are no door handles back here!" No much was said but I think Wynn hit me. Ha ha ha.
On the way back from IHOP we actually got ANOTHER ride from ANOTHER HPD officer back to Rice.
It was a bizarre night, but quite fun. Stuff like that always seemed to happen when we were around Wynn.
Why is it that the only time you think about connecting with old friends happens when a tragedy like this one strikes? I'm going to miss Wynn.

Asad S. Jafari
Hanszen '96
Mobile: 713.907.3557


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